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Flood Hazard Level Study in the Batang Hari Watershed Area in Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera

Andi Saputra Saputra, Dedi Hermon, Adenan Yandra Nofrizal


This research originated from a flood that often hit the Batang Hari watershed in Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency. This study aims to analyze the land characteristics and the level of flood hazard in Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency. This research includes descriptive quantitative, the method used is the survey method and sample area. The mapping unit used is the land unit obtained from overlaying the map of landform, slope and land use. The area of the study sample was taken by stratified random sampling. The results showed that 1) the characteristics of the land in the trunk watershed area in Pulau Punjung sub-district had a denudational, fluvial, karst and volcanic land, slope of 0-8%, 8-15%, 25-40% of land use for settlements, rice fields, scrub, plantation, forest. 2) the level of flood hazard in the study area consists of three zones, namely (a) low flood hazard zone which is 33,322 ha (75.19%), (b) moderate flood hazard zone which is 8,397 ha (18.95%) , (c) high flood hazard zone which is 2,597 ha (5.86%).

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