Accelerating the 6th Sense by Solving the Tricky C Programs

Mr. K. Praveen


C programming language is also called as structured or mid-level or mother language. It is platform dependent language. Initially the learners should be aware about the increment and decrement operators in both 32-bit compiler and 64-bit compiler. The interesting fact is to be noted in c programming is increment and decrement operators output will be differs in various compilers. ANSI (American National Standard Institute) introduces a structure of c programming language. The development of C began, to re-implement the UNIX operating system software package. It is such a powerful language that most of the popular operating systems are completely or partially written in C. It is mostly used in day-to-day life like traffic signals, home appliances like refrigerators, and washing machine, operating system. Due to control statements, looping and jump statements of c language most of the modern computer programming languages directly or indirectly influenced from C (such as C++, Java, C#, PHP and JavaScript etc.).C is a primary programming language among programmers. It is one of the widely used programming languages in the world. The following are namely Simple and Robust, Portability, Modularity, Extensibility, Speed, Wide acceptability. The massive quality of C programming headed development of its versions. However, each version was the same as the first however typically incompatible. To assure the quality of C in each version, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) initiated work on C standards. In 1989, ANSI sets base for all implementations of C compilers and revealed the primary customary of C. C is a simple and easily understandable language, compared any other modern programming languages. It contains a lesser range of programming constructs that produces it simple to find out. Learning C can cause you to perceive however a computer program functions internally. C programs can be run in either turbo or code blocks but code blocks use standard gcc compiler. Most of the popular OS either fully or partially written in C. Based on compiler the c programs output will be differ i.e. compiler dependent.  If you are passionate to develop system software’s. Learn if you want to learn the base of all modern programming languages. 

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