Data Analysis In Real Estate for Recommendation

Ms. Ritika Shelkar, Ms. Vaishnavi Sambare, Mr. Ramkrishna Vadali, Ms. Kaveri Yerge


Big Data has always been referred to as a revolution that will transform the way we live, work, and think.  all can be solved via Big data techniques can be used  to tackle and solve many urgent issues in all walks of life ,in the era of big data. Traditional data analysis approaches are struggling when faced with these massive data. The revolution of Big Data promises the transformation of the way of living, working, and thinking that enables the process of optimization, insight discovery empowerment and decision making improvement. The main purpose of this revolution is to make use of large amounts of data to enable knowledge discovery and better decision making that relies on the ability of value extraction through data analytics from massive data. We predicted prices of real estate properties based on features such as geographical location, living area, and number of rooms, etc. For the customers who want to buy  real estate properties, an automated system of price prediction would be useful for finding under/overpriced properties on the market currently. This would be useful for the first time buyers who have relatively very little experience, and suggest offer strategies for  purchasing or buying properties.

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